Saturday, March 12, 2011

I'm preparing the perfect corpse.
Everything I do leads me to my death.

espiritualista trans

the reason

the reason why people’s minds are not clear and their natures are not stable is that they are full of craving and emotion add to this eons of mental habit acquired influences deluding the mind their outgrowths clogging up the opening of awareness the original true mind and true essence are totally lost that which is fundamental is as ever without any lack
my favorite things

pete burns

with pete burns, london
beatin mah face


Respect yourselves, respect your community, respect your world.

This memorial is two blocks away from my home, and it reminds me to remain optimistic when I’m faced with the difficulties of being transgender. Even as I type this, my spell-check doesn’t recognize the word “transgender,” just as countless doctors, institutions, governments and religions refuse to acknowledge our existence. But WE ARE HERE, and we’re taking back our place as the HIGHLY EVOLVED MAGICAL BEINGS that WE ARE.
“Healers, Shamans, Two Spirits, From a place of wonder and magic we were born to a place of misunderstanding and hatred we have been taken. Now in the new millennium and forward, we deliver ourselves back to our rightful place. Along this journey many of our Trans and Gender Gifted family members have fallen. It is in the beauty of their light that we place this memorial. This solid resolve by which they lived their truth is represented here and serves as a reminder that when we are strong, we are not just strong for ourselves, but for all of us.” - Transgender Day of Remembrance memorial/November 20, 2009. Placed here by the West Hollywood City Council/West Hollywood Transgender Task Force.

It Ain't Easy Being Green... Or Is It?

I was having trouble with a song I’m recording for my new album, so naturally I bitched and moaned about it to my boyfriend. His reply was: “Well, that should be an easy song.” The last I wanted to hear when facing the monument task of writing, producing, recording and releasing an album is that it should be easy. So, getting my panties in twist, I said to him, “Nothing’s easy! Nothing has EVER been easy.” The poor man had no idea what was coming.
Growing up transgender on a farm in a fundamentally religious community of 200 people (half of them Amish or Mennonite) was NOT easy. Or was it?
Yes, I was bullied, beaten, tortured and tormented with the threat of eternal damnation and punishment from a wrathful god for gravitating towards the feminine, as someone who was supposed to be a boy. That was on a bad day.
But I was also taught about the beauty of nature, the importance of education, the joy of music, the rewards of discipline, the love of a family and the freedom of self-reliance. And it’s because of these things that I’m taking a lunch break on a beach in California, munching on delicious pineapple, soaking up the 75° weather in my bathing suit in the middle of winter.
I left home when I was 16 to study piano at a boarding arts school in Michigan. We didn’t have money, so I practiced for 7 hours a day to get that scholarship. I continued my classical education at an amazing University in Dallas, again on scholarship. I moved to New York and had work before I even got there, because I called every musical institution in NYC until I earned (and charmed) my way into a job. And then I continued to network and began working with New York’s brightest stars as their pianist. I learned how to perform because of them, and within 5 years was touring the world as a solo singer/songwriter. After getting the attention of a decent portion of the entertainment industry, I moved to Los Angeles to record a pop album. Hard work? Maybe.
When I focused on how hard it was to spend hours, days, months and years practicing at the piano, I lost the joy of making music. When I focused on how unfair and sexist my religious upbringing was, I lost sight of the fact that I was accepted as part of the women’s groups at church and was praised on the platform every week for delivering a sensitive (and feminine) performance at the piano. When I thought about how tiring it was to run all over Manhattan through subways and rat-infested streets, I stopped learning how to shine from the most amazing performers in the world.
After resetting my gratitude button, I was able to see how to finish the song that seemed so hard. And I found the joy that drove me to becoming an artist in the first place.
Thank goddess for the ocean, music, love and light. And for a guy doesn’t freak out when I slip into bitch producer mode.
This pineapple is effing deliiiiiicious. I hope you’re enjoying everything that’s in front of you.

i’ve run around the world
looking for power.
it was the morning,
putting my makeup on,
pulling on what seemed to fit,
when powerlessness became the dress of the day.
boom, there it was.
there it is.
“The artist seeks contact with his intuitive sense of the gods, but in order to create his work, he cannot stay in this seductive and incorporeal realm. He must return to the material world in order to do his work. It’s the artist’s responsibility to balance mystical communication and the labor of creation.” -P.Smith

28th nov 2010

i believe it’s the heat of their hearts that makes the monsters disappear.
As a musician, I often forget the importance of silence. When I’m looking at an original piece of music and wondering how it turned to mush, it’s usually because I’ve tried to say too much or filled the speakers with too many ideas, allowing no space for breath.
Mozart said, “The silence between the notes are as important as the notes themselves.” How completely true for music, as well as for life.
Yesterday, I went to the beach with a friend from NYC. It was way too cold for any native Los Angelean to be there and probably too cloudy to get that tan that I wanted. But when we got there, I was reminded how close peace can be to chaos. The beauty of the ocean, next to the hustle of Hollywood. Silence returned. Last night, I dreamt of nothing. I woke this morning, thinking of nothing. And now I’ll go to my music and breathe nothingness into it; erasing, deleting, withdrawing.
Another great Mozart quote: “To talk well and eloquently is a very great art, but that an equally great one is to know the right moment to stop.”

2nd nov 2010

We cannot be denied
what was set in motion
millions of years ago.

a tale of time in space divine

a tale of time in space divine
she hunts for the roots she left behind
comin up with nothin by her side
but dirt in her nails and her pussy entwined
her beast howls up at the moon
the witches comin up past their due
her line of loss became her truth
lost in the woods, but she stays with you
(and it hurts)


This is a previously unreleased song, recorded live in 2007. I originally intended to put it on my “Live From The Zipper Factory” CD, but left it off because I wasn’t happy with the vocals. My voice was changing and I hadn’t started lessons yet, but now I’m kinda digging the shakiness.
The song is called “Gentlefly” and I have no idea where the name came from. When I’m writing I often use nonsense words to fill in for missing lyrics until I can figure out what the song is about, so “Gentlefly” is just a scratch word that stuck as the title.
I hope you enjoy.

November 2, 2008

November 2, 2008
Dear Diary-
Last night, I set a boy on fire. I’m not sure why I did it, as the whole night was a blur. I think it’s because he kissed me and didn’t mean it. This morning he called to tell me that he was okay, but he misses his new shirt (which was lost in the blaze). Anyhoo, I’m glad no one had to go to the hospital, as I’m in London and not sure how their healthcare system applies to foreigners.
I hope he learned his lesson.
Signing off,
(photo by paul lane)


OLJ at Electric Picnic 2010, photo by Sharp Shock